Analytics and Business Intelligence Consortium

There are one hundred billion Google searches undertaken every month. Every hour, Walmart processes a million customer transactions. Across the globe, there are billions of people doing billions of things, all generating data. And in our increasingly digital and interconnected world, the flow of information keeps growing, 不断加速.

在制造业, 卫生保健, 保险, 金融, 零售及其他行业, modern technology has unleashed a torrent of data. You have more information at your fingertips than ever before. But data alone do not equal intelligence. Information alone won’t lead to action. You need a way to engage and manage your data. You need processes and practices that will help you make smarter decisions. 你需要解决方案. The Analytics and Business Intelligence Consortium (ABIC) at the 威尼斯游戏大厅 商学院 is your solutions partner.



The Analytics and Business Intelligence Consortium (ABIC) is an innovative, membership-driven organization spearheaded by 威尼斯游戏大厅’s 商学院. ABIC is designed to serve the needs of multiple sectors, 包括卫生保健, 制造业, 金融, 保险, 政府, non-profit and education throughout southeastern Wisconsin. When you become a member of this forward-thinking, multidisciplinary alliance of industry and academia, you’ll have access to expert resources and tools—in areas including applied analytics, 资料解释, business intelligence development and big data strategy.


ABIC harnesses the power and expertise of top business leaders and 研究ers to develop practical solutions that can tackle big data issues and give your company the competitive advantage it needs. ABIC serves as the region’s thought leader in applied analytics.


Representatives from the region’s top industries are joining this leading-edge alliance to develop effective approaches to data management and analytics issues. ABIC leverages Carroll’s know-how and deep alumni network, which covers numerous national and international corporations, including several Fortune 500 leaders.


有了你的反馈, 我们将开展研讨会, 研究 projects and training opportunities that directly benefit your organization. 通过网络, seminars and other collaborative events, you’ll partner alongside industry experts and top Carroll 教师 to address your business intelligence needs—and make better decisions.


ABIC的活动在 威尼斯游戏大厅创意实验室. Based in Frontier Hall, 210 N. 格兰德大街, 沃基肖, the inviting space is designed to foster collaboration among students, 教师, staff and partner businesses.


Find the latest news from the Analytics and Business Intelligence Consortium on LinkedIn.


Main Hall with Orange Overlay and a business person icon


Access to industry and 威尼斯游戏大厅 experts for collaborative analytics projects that will generate real-world solutions to the challenges facing your business.

Three young professionals with an orange overlay and book icon


受教育机会, including analytic micro-credentials, degree programs and lunch-and-learn events.

Business person giving a presentation with an orange overlay and a presentation icon


An annual conference to bring additional 思想领导 together with members in a vibrant academic environment.


请给约翰·米歇尔打电话  262.951.3072 to learn more about Tax deductible sponsorships.


Membership and Sponsorship Fees

15% discount for employees of ABIC member organizations!



威尼斯游戏大厅 is a member of AACSB 国际-The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

AACSB 国际 is a global association of leaders in education and business dedicated to supporting and advancing quality business and education worldwide. 通过会员, 认证, 研究, 思想领导, 列队行进的发展, 和宣传, AACSB合作伙伴超过1家,500个组织, from more than 90 countries globally. Membership or participation in the Global Education Alliance does not imply 认证.


To learn more about the Analytics and Business Intelligence Consortium at the 威尼斯游戏大厅 商学院, 请联系:

Director of the Analytics and Business Intelligence Consortium
262.952.3072 |

Keep up-to-date with the latest news from the Analytics and Business Intelligence Consortium on Linkedin.

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